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I speak widely on a range of wellbeing topics, including sustainability, stress management, mindfulness, and women's empowerment. I am available for keynote speaking engagements and for corporate wellbeing workshops both online and in-person.


Workshops can be customised to 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or 2 hours in duration, depending on client requirements. 


For further information on my workshop offerings, please see individual workshop descriptions below. Please use the Inquiry tabs to request pricing information or detailed workshop agendas. 

Zero Waste for
Stress-Free Living

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In this fun and interactive workshop, I will teach practical ways to leave the haste and hustle of modern life behind through simple living, and will also show how reducing waste and clutter can help to create physical and mental spaces of calm within the home.


This workshop will cover how to make more sustainable choices in daily life and how to slow down and reconnect to simple pleasures. I will share tips on how to save money, while also reducing waste, stress, and environmental impact. Participants will also learn how to improve mental, emotional and physical health through meaningful contact with nature.

Mindfulness for Ecological Wellbeing

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Eco-mindfulness is the art of directing awareness to one's sensory experience whilst exploring nature. Practicing mindfulness in nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and to inspire feelings of calm, gratitude, and interconnectedness with the greater world around us.


In this workshop, I will share how eco-mindfulness can help to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. I will guide participants through several practices to relax the mind, connect to the body in nature, and reinvigorate the senses, along with how to live more eco-mindfully in daily life.

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

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In this workshop, I will teach several ways that mindfulness can lower stress levels throughout the day, both at work and at home, through mindfulness practices and meditations and also through a mindful mindset.


Participants will be guided through several mindfulness practices to reduce stress, to calm the mind, to switch-off, and to activate the healing relaxation response in the body. Practical exercises will include mindful breathing, mindful focusing, and mindful connecting to emotions, and participants will leave this workshop with mindfulness practices to enhance relaxation regularly.

Sleep Health and Relaxation

Image by Alexandra Gorn

Sleep quality has a major impact on mental wellbeing and productivity, and research studies show that sleep deprivation is linked to a wide range of physical and emotional conditions, especially when sleep issues are persistent over time.


In this workshop, I will provide participants with information on the natural sleep cycle, and will discuss useful pre-sleep habits as well as behaviours to avoid before sleep. Participants will also experience a relaxing power-down ritual to use nightly before bed, to relax the body and mind, and to facilitate falling asleep more quickly and staying asleep throughout the night.

Mental Health Awareness for Managers

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Declining employee mental health is an issue that impacts many organisations, and it is important that managers gain the skills needed to support employees who may be struggling. Managers also need to be aware of their own stress levels whilst helping others, and to look after their own wellbeing 

whilst providing employee support.


In this workshop, I will provide managers with helpful tools to identify and support employees who are struggling with mental health issues. I will also teach managers how to prioritise their own self-care and how to create a healthy work culture from the top down that benefits all employees. 


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Self-esteem is a measure of how we value and perceive ourselves, and research has linked healthy self-esteem with improved relationships, higher work satisfaction, and greater physical and mental health.


In this workshop, I will teach how to increase self-esteem through a holistic approach to overall confidence building. We will discuss the impact of social media and advertising on self-esteem, along with practical tips to reduce exposure to harmful messages. Participants will also learn assertiveness for interpersonal confidence, mindfulness for self-compassion, and postural ways to boost self-esteem through body language.

Mindfulness for Unlocking Creativity

Image by Alice Dietrich

Creativity and flexible problem solving skills are invaluable tools both in and out of the modern workplace. Tuning into and regularly expressing one's innate creativity leads to feelings of inspiration, an increase in innovative thinking, lower stress levels, improved focus and productivity, and a more relaxed and joyful outlook on life. 


In this fun and interactive workshop, I will teach participants how to unlock their own natural creativity, and will guide participants through a series of engaging exercises specifically chosen to release creative blocks, to enhance creative thinking, and to cultivate greater daily inspiration.

Mindfulness for Healthy

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Eating mindfully has been shown to improve digestion, to reduce stress, and to enhance both the taste and enjoyment we derive from our food. Cultivating a mindful relationship with food also helps to keep our bodies healthy and to boost energy levels throughout the day.


In this fun and interactive workshop, I will teach several different techniques to develop a more mindful relationship with food. Participants will assess how mindfully they eat and will create tailored, SMART food goals. Participants will leave this workshop with tools to interact with food in a healthier, more rewarding way moving forward.

How to Maximise Energy Resources

Image by Clay Banks

Maximising energy levels throughout the day creates better quality work and increases productivity and overall job satisfaction. Human energy is a renewable resource, and through better understanding of the body's natural cycles, positive energy levels can be boosted and energy slumps avoided.


In this workshop, I will teach how to assess energy levels, how to understand what depletes energy, and how to implement practices to both maximise and renew energy levels throughout the day. I will also address interpersonal energy management and how to say no and set firm boundaries with others.

Empowering Women

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Women’s empowerment benefits everybody, and by understanding historic cultural biases, while gaining knowledge on women’s own extraordinary history and cultural contributions, women and society can flourish as a whole. 


In this workshop, I will take participants on a fun and empowering journey to learn more about women-cultures throughout history and women's unique legacy of achievements, to inspire participants with women's knowledge to appreciate themselves more fully, to cultivate self-love, creativity, and joy, and to assert themselves more confidently within their own lives.

Earth-Friendly Living for Health and Well-being

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Simple, natural living can improve well-being and protect family health. Through an earth-friendly home environment, humans and the ecosystem can thrive together.


In this session, I will show how to spot toxins in everyday home, pet, and personal care products. Participants will learn how to identify products and ingredients that may be impacting their health, along with simple ways to switch to safe alternatives. Participants will leave this workshop with fun and creative ideas to enhance their health, while caring for the environment and saving money - all through earth-friendly, minimal living!

Work Life 


Balancing the demands of work and personal life can be difficult, but it is important to create a healthy work life balance in order to maintain mental and physical wellbeing. By learning to set boundaries around work hours, to relax and de-stress, and to carve out regular space for personal time and enjoyment, it is possible to bring more balance into all areas of life.


In this workshop, I will teach participants a series of practices to bring greater balance into daily life. Participants will also have the opportunity to assess their own personal work life balance and to understand better how to create the right balance that works for them.

Resilience and Adaptability

Image by Pablo Azurduy

Cultivating resilience in the face of life challenges helps to reduce stress levels, to establish greater self-confidence, to develop creative problem solving skills, and to cultivate a more flexible and adaptable perspective towards life.


In this workshop, I will cover how to develop  the inner resources necessary to bounce back stronger from life difficulties. Participants will leave this workshop with a better understanding of their own resilience levels, with mindfulness practices to greater build resilience and self-compassion, and with the tools necessary to increase self-confidence through a resilience mindset.

Introduction to Stress Management

Image by Drew Coffman

Learning how to manage stress is necessary for optimal health and mental wellbeing. Through a variety of simple techniques, it is possible to switch off the stress response daily, to foster mental calm and relaxation on cue, and to keep both mind and body healthy and happy. 


In this workshop, I will explain the stress response and will detail the impacts of chronic stress on physical and mental health. I will also guide participants through several useful techniques to reduce stress levels regularly and to empower daily positive habits for greater mental and physical wellbeing.

Rituals for

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Relaxation practices can bring balance, harmony, and pleasure into life through simple yet powerful acts of self-care. Incorporating relaxation rituals into daily life can infuse each day with special moments of joy that truly embrace the art of living.


In this workshop, I will teach creative ways to weave ritual into daily life through relaxation practices and mindful moments that savour everyday living. I will show how to use sensory experience to heighten relaxation, how to move the body to relax and unwind, and how to create an atmosphere of serenity and oasis within the home, to make space for beautiful and celebratory acts of living.

Maintaining Mental Health Whilst WFH

Online Class

Working from home presents its own challenges in relation to space, boundaries, and work/life balance, while offering some employees the benefits of extra time and flexibility, due to ditching the commute and increasing personal autonomy!


In this workshop, I will share some simple tips to maintain mental health whilst working from home, through beneficial practices that aid in establishing boundaries between work and home life. Participants will also leave this workshop with several skills to reduce stress, including breathwork and meditation techniques, postural relief practices, and fun ways to switch-off after work.


Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

In this workshop, I will teach how mindfulness can enhance communication and relationships both inside and outside of work. Participants will learn empathic communication and empathic leadership skills and will also evaluate their own active listening skills to help foster more mindful communication with others.


I will also teach interpersonal skills such as how to set boundaries and say no effectively and how to communicate assertively. Participants will leave this session with the skills to create an emotionally supportive and safe environment for communication within personal and professional relationships.

Quietening the Inner Critic

Image by Adi Goldstein

The Inner Critic is a voice that can wield a lot of power, but this harsh voice is very harmful to self-esteem and can block us from actualising our full potential. Learning to quieten the Inner Critic can be truly life-changing and can liberate us to follow our passions and to live life in a more rewarding and enjoyable way.


In this workshop, I will teach techniques to identify, challenge, and de-potentiate the Inner Critic. I will also guide participants on a meditation to detach from critical thoughts, and will explain how to replace the critical inner voice with more supportive internal dialogue. 

Desk Stretches for Physical Stress Release

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This interactive session will detail the relationship between the body and stress, how to enhance postural awareness at work, and how regular desk stretches can release tension, improve mood and focus, and also prevent injury.


Participants will be guided through fun and simple desk stretches to practice regularly at work, in order to reduce stress, to relax the muscles, to release tension in the connective tissues and lower back, to strengthen and lengthen muscle groups for healthy posture, and to boost energy levels and focus throughout the workday.

and Mental Health

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Reconnecting to the natural world can benefit our mental health and help to create a more sustainable future for our planet. Raising eco-consciousness can also strengthen our relationships, improve physical wellbeing, and inspire a more profound sense of inner wholeness.​


In this workshop, I will share how a modern disconnect from nature has impacted our mental health and how reconnecting to nature can benefit us mind, body, and soul. I will teach enriching practices to reawaken the senses, to embody our natural creativity and resilience, and to reignite a sense of wonder, gratitude, and meaning in modern life.

Emotional Intelligence
& Empathy

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Developing emotional intelligence can improve relationship quality and satisfaction, can enhance empathic relationships at work, and can promote greater feelings of security and self-confidence.


In this workshop, participants will learn how to deepen emotional and interpersonal intelligence, how to understand and regulate overwhelming emotions, and how to increase empathy through mindfulness practices. This session will also cover how to set boundaries and say no, and how to cultivate an emotionally safe and supportive work environment through empathic leadership skills.

Digital Detox and Technostress

Image by Domenico Loia

Research studies show that digital hyperconnectivity affects the structure of the brain, negatively impacts mental health, and also decreases productivity and focus in the workplace. Managing tech related stress and creating healthy boundaries around digital usage is necessary in order to promote wellbeing in the digital age.


In this workshop, I will highlight some simple ways to reduce the impacts of technostress and will help participants evaluate their own digital usage. Participants will leave this workshop with their own personal, digital detox plan and tailored goals to decrease their digital usage moving forward.

Mental Health Awareness for Employees

At the Office

Work demands can often run contrary to personal wellbeing and can prevent employees from flourishing both in and out of the workplace. Employees often find it difficult to set healthy boundaries and subsequently find their mental health compromised due to chronic work stress.


In this workshop, I will teach employees to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and will provide employees with practical techniques to reduce stress and to promote greater balance. Participants will leave this workshop with effective coping tools to foster greater wellbeing on a daily basis.

Physical and Mental Health

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Our minds and bodies are deeply connected, and by tuning into helpful signals from the body and working with the body’s natural rhythms, we can use our body's own intelligence to keep ourselves physically healthy and to keep our minds and emotions balanced and harmonious.


In this workshop, I will teach how the body can be used as a source of guiding intelligence to benefit our mental health. I will show how to work with to the body to prevent burnout, how to reduce stress and tension through mindful, physical movement, and how to enjoy deeper mind/body relaxation on a daily basis.


Introduction to Mindfulness

Image by Katerina Jerabkova

​Research studies show that mindfulness can help to reduce stress levels, to prevent burnout, to improve focus and productivity, and to foster greater emotional harmony.


In this session, I will teach participants how to incorporate mindfulness practices at work and at home, through practical meditation techniques and through a mindful-living mindset. Participants will also be guided through breathwork practices to aid in switching-off after work and in calming anxiety. Participants will leave this workshop with mindfulness tools for daily life, to help relax, to deepen emotional and mind/body awareness, and to promote mental calm.

Mindfulness for Compassion

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Mindfulness practices have been shown to improve compassion and empathy and to increase self awareness, happiness, and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Developing compassion towards oneself and others can lead to more rewarding relationships, enhanced resilience, and greater overall emotional wellbeing.


In this workshop, I will guide participants through a series of mindfulness techniques to cultivate both self-compassion and greater compassion for others. Participants will leave this workshop with an enhanced ability to be more kind and supportive to themselves and more empathic to others in their lives.

Bereavement and

Image by Marek Studzinski

Coping with death and loss is one of the most challenging aspects of life, and also the most unavoidable. Learning how to accept death's inevitable place on the pathway of life can help to provide comfort and resilience during difficult times.


In this workshop, I will discuss how accepting grief can foster emotional healing throughout the bereavement process, and will share ancient perspectives on death to help provide peace and comfort. Participants will experience a safe space to discuss their own experiences of loss in a compassionate environment, along with helpful practices to support their emotional wellbeing.



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